
When Your Teeth Hurt: Know How To Cope

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A toothache is one of those maladies that can feel like a full-body ache. Problems in your teeth and gums can cause pain that ranges from a minor throb to sharp and excruciating. You likely want relief fast and you will need professional help as well. While you are waiting to see your dentist, you might want to understand what is causing the pain and how you can make things better.…

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Being Prepared For Your Corrective Jaw Surgery

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Corrective jaw surgery is a procedure that aims to correct skeletal and dental irregularities in the jaw. These irregularities can have major impacts on a patient’s overall health. While the prospect of undergoing corrective jaw surgery can be daunting, the recovery process can be smooth and successful with proper preparation and care. What Are The Benefits Of Corrective Jaw Surgery? Corrective jaw surgery can provide numerous benefits for patients. Firstly, it can improve the appearance of the face by correcting facial asymmetry and creating a more balanced facial structure.…

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6 Procedures Your Pediatric Dentist Can Offer

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Are you ready to start taking your child to the dentist now that they have teeth growing in? If so, you’ll definitely want to visit a pediatric dentist. They can offer your child the following procedure as your child’s teeth continue to grow. Exams And Cleanings The most common reason to visit a dentist is for exams and cleanings. These are crucial when it comes to ensuring your child’s teeth and gums are clean and healthy.…

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Marionette Lines And Dental Problems: A Curious Connection

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A cosmetic dentist can do more than improve the appearance of your teeth. An increasing number of dental clinics are offering treatments that focus on facial aesthetics. These cosmetic treatments can complement dental treatments or be offered on their own. But how can a facial treatment work in conjunction with dental treatment?  Concealing the Problem For some patients, any dental problems are concealed once their mouth is closed. Teeth may be discolored, deteriorated, or even missing, but you wouldn’t know it until they open their mouth—even though such conditions certainly need prompt treatment.…

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What Patients Can Expect From A Root Canal Procedure

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The root canal is a procedure that has an unfair reputation. People often expect it to be painful. Modern versions of the root canal procedure, though, may defy some of your expectations so take a look at what the reality is. Is a Root Canal Painful? Modern tools, techniques, and anesthetics have largely mitigated the pain that made root canals historically painful procedures. After applying a local anesthetic, a dentist uses a small drill to create a hole in a healthy part of the tooth.…

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Protecting Your Damaged Tooth With A Crown

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During the course of your life, there are many dental procedures that you may need to undergo. However, dental crowns can be among the more important and major dental treatments that you may need. What Is The Purpose A Dental Crown Will Provide Your Teeth? A dental crown will typically be applied when a tooth has suffered severe weakening. This weakening will put the tooth at a much greater risk of breaking, cracking, or even shattering.…

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3 Technological Tools Found In A Dental Services Office

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Today’s dentists are keener on modern technology for comfort and efficiency. Also, dentists have different specialties, so equipment may vary based on specialization. As such, you may not get all the equipment in one dentist’s office, especially a small one. Nonetheless, discover three typical technologies in most dental services offices.  1. Intraoral Cameras Intraoral pen-like devices are fitted with a high-resolution camera to simplify dental exams. Your dentist uses the tool to sweep over your teeth without physical contact.…

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Frequently Asked Questions About Sedation Dentistry

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Your dental health is important. Dental problems can cause pain and can even increase your risk of medical issues, such as heart disease. Unfortunately, many people forego dental care because they are scared or anxious about dental procedures or are worried they may have problems comfortably sitting in a dental chair. Sedation dentistry is a great way to overcome these issues and get the dental treatment you need. If you have never utilized sedation dentistry before, you may have many questions.…

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3 Reasons To Get Over Your Fear Of Dental Implants Surgery

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When some of your teeth are missing, you will experience a few setbacks. For example, you may not have the confidence to smile in public, and your jaw’s structural integrity begins deteriorating. For this reason, dental experts recommend installing dental implants for your missing teeth. Sadly, many people shy away from the procedure when they hear the word surgery. However, dental implant surgery is a safe and successful procedure. If you are not convinced, read on to find out why it is time to book your implant surgery appointment.…

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3 Important Reasons To Consider Wisdom Teeth Removal

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Some individuals are horrified when their dentists advise them to get a wisdom teeth extraction procedure. This is often related to dental fears and anxiety, but rest assured that today’s dentists have a variety of tools to make extractions less painful. This procedure is one that can prevent future complications. Individuals who have fears can be sedated, and aftercare may involve pain medications to ensure the most comfortable healing experience. The following points identify a few of the positive effects of getting wisdom teeth extracted.…

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