Frequently Asked Questions About Sedation Dentistry

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Your dental health is important. Dental problems can cause pain and can even increase your risk of medical issues, such as heart disease. Unfortunately, many people forego dental care because they are scared or anxious about dental procedures or are worried they may have problems comfortably sitting in a dental chair. Sedation dentistry is a great way to overcome these issues and get the dental treatment you need. If you have never utilized sedation dentistry before, you may have many questions. Read on to get answers to the questions you may have.

What Is Sedation Dentistry? 

Sedation dentistry involves the use of pharmaceutical agents that are designed to help dental patients feel more comfortable while they are getting dental procedures. There are different sedatives that are used, and depending on the type you receive, you may be awake and feel more at ease or you may be completely asleep. 

What Types of Sedation May Be Used for Sedation Dentistry? 

The mildest form of sedation that is used is called nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas. This type of gas is inhaled. It helps you to feel more relaxed and in a more euphoric mood, helping patients with anxiety or worry. You will be awake and able to follow directions while under this type of sedation.

Another type of sedation is oral sedation. Oral sedation is a pill or liquid that is given. Oral sedation makes patients very sleepy, but you are still awake and conscious. You can be given a little or a lot, and that may affect how much you remember and whether you are able to follow directions while under this form of sedation.

The last form of sedation used is IV sedation. With this form of sedation, a patient is put to sleep. You will not remember the procedure and will not be able to follow instructions if you receive this type of sedation. 

Who Can Benefit From Sedation Dentistry? 

Sedation dentistry is perfect for a number of patients. Sedation dentistry is ideal for those who suffer from dental phobias or fears that are so troubling that it prevents them from receiving dental care. Dental sedation may also help those who are disabled or have injuries that prevent them from sitting still. Lastly, dental sedation is commonly used on small children who may be unable to stay still with their mouths fully open for the duration of a long dental procedure. 

Sedatives may help you overcome things such as pain or anxiety, allowing you to comfortably get the dental care that you may be in need of. If you think that you or your child could benefit from sedation dentistry, talk to your dentist. They can help you determine if sedation may be right for you, and which type of sedation may be the best fit for your situation. Not every dentist offer sedation, so your dentist may be able to refer you to a colleague if they do not offer this service. Call your preferred dentist today to learn more about sedation dentistry. 
