Information on Dental Crowns

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If your tooth is weak, cracked, or needs a filling, your dentist might have recommended dental crowns. A dental crown is placed over a tooth to improve its appearance and restore its strength and shape. Dental crowns may be required under the following conditions:

  • To reshape an already broken tooth
  • To support a tooth that requires a large filling
  • To strengthen a weak tooth
  • To cover a discolored tooth
  • To cover dental implants

In case you have never had a dental crown before, here's what to expect during the installation procedure.

Dental crown installation requires two visits. The first visit entails preparing and examining the tooth, while the second visit involves the actual installation.

First Visit

The dentist will first examine your tooth to test if it's fit for dental crown placement. Some x-rays may be taken to examine the roots of the teeth getting the dental crowns. If any potential risk is identified, a root canal treatment may be done to prepare your tooth for the placement of the dental crowns. During this visit, your dentist will also shape your crown. To do this, they first have to reshape the teeth that will be getting a crown. Before reshaping the tooth, your dentist will use an anesthetic to numb your tooth. This process is done to prepare the tooth for the dental crowns. After reshaping, they may use a digital scanner or paste to make an impression of the tooth. The impressions made are sent to the lab so the dental crowns can be manufactured. Your dentist may give you temporary dental crowns to protect your teeth as you wait for the permanent dental crown. It may take several weeks for the dental crowns to be manufactured.

Temporary crowns are delicate, so your dentist may recommend the following:

  • Avoid eating hard foods that may break the crown
  • Avoid sticky food that may pull off your crown
  • Chew food with both sides of your mouth

Second Visit

Here, your dentist removes the temporary dental crowns in preparation for the permanent dental crowns. They will first check the fit before beginning the process of installation. While installing the crown, they will numb your teeth and then cement your permanent dental crowns.

In case you notice anything unusual after the dental crown procedure, please get in touch with your dentist. It is also important that you maintain good oral care practices even after dental crown placement to protect your teeth from getting damaged.
