Why You Should Have Your Teeth Cleaned Twice a Year

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During a professional dental cleaning, the dentist removes tartar deposits from the teeth. Tartar forms as plaque hardens in place. This hardening occurs when plaque is not removed in a timely manner. Once plaque becomes tartar, it is no longer soft enough to be easily removed as you brush and floss. The hardened substance must be scraped or scaled from the teeth. The dentist uses a specialized tool to perform tartar removal safely and effectively.

The duration of the professional cleaning session depends on the amount of tartar on your teeth. Small accumulations can generally be removed quicker. You should schedule a dental cleaning at least twice annually. Here are a few reasons why.

Tartar Returns

After remaining undisturbed for multiple hours, plaque hardens. The areas of your teeth that you may miss during your brushing and flossing sessions will accumulate tartar. This process occurs repeatedly. Thus, a single professional dental cleaning is not sufficient to keep tartar at bay. The deposits must be repeatedly removed.

Tartar Discolors the Teeth

Most people prefer to have white, shiny teeth. Tartar is a dull, pale color. The substance, which tends to be quite porous, can also absorb colorants and pigments from the foods and drinks that you ingest. As a result, tartar can significantly discolor your teeth, especially if you have a large amount of buildup.

Tartar Can Cause Gingival Inflammation

Bacteria and additional plaque can build up in the pores of the tartar. As the bacteria feed on particles of food in the mouth, they release acidic waste that inflames the gums. Since tartar tends to accumulate along the gumline, it can be particularly problematic for the gingival tissues. 

Gum inflammation may begin as a minor case of gingivitis, but it can progress to periodontal disease. With periodontal disease, your gums can become so infected that the infection spreads to the jawbone, causing tooth loss.

Tartar Can Cause Bad Breath

The bacteria in tartar can cause halitosis. Minute food particles in the substance can begin to decay, emitting a foul odor. Additionally, oral bacteria in the tartar may also produce unpleasant odors.

Tartar Can Promote Tooth Decay

The same acidic waste that inflames the gums also demineralizes the tooth enamel to cause decay. As tartar progressively accumulates, it can house additional bacteria, leading to the production of more demineralizing acid. 

To have dental tartar removed from your teeth, schedule a consultation with a dentist's office, such as the Family Dentistry of Woodstock, in your local area.
