3 Tips For Reducing Teeth Sensitivity After Getting Porcelain Veneers

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Porcelain veneers are a good way to correct misshapen teeth and give your mouth a more even look. The process of installing porcelain veneers requires a dentist to remove some of your enamel in order to give the veneers a solid base to hold onto. Once this is done the process is irreversible. In addition, this process can leave your teeth feeling extremely sensitive. The sensitivity will make it difficult for you to eat or speak without feeling some pain. The sensitivity may go away after a few weeks, but can also persist for months after the operation. As a result, there are a few tips you can use in order to reduce some of the tooth sensitivity after getting porcelain veneers.  

Brush with Prescription Strength Fluoride Toothpaste

Many toothpaste that are sold in drugstores and supermarkets have fluoride in them. The fluoride is added in order to help strengthen the enamel around the teeth. The amount of fluoride included in standard toothpaste is not enough to provide noticeable relief for teeth that are extremely sensitive. As a result, you should ask your dentist for prescription strength fluoride toothpaste. This toothpaste contains larger amounts of fluoride which makes it extremely strong. If you brush using the prescription strength toothpaste, you will notice a difference in the pain and sensitivity after a few days. 

Ask Your Dentist for a Fluoride Varnish

A fluoride varnish is a thin coating that is applied to your teeth as a protective barrier. The fluoride varnish contains high amounts of fluoride. The barrier is intended to last until your tooth sensitivity goes away. The fluoride varnish is not meant to be a permanent solution, therefore, it will eventually go away. As a result, if your tooth sensitivity lasts for several months, then you will need to get the varnish applied regularly.

Use a Soft Bristled Toothbrush

Soft-bristled toothbrushes are gentle on your teeth and enamel. A soft-bristled brush works well to properly clean your teeth. In addition, the bristles on the brush are designed to work with your teeth rather than against them. Other toothbrushes like hard-bristled toothbrushes are more abrasive. If used they will end up making your sensitive teeth feel worse. While your teeth are recovering from your porcelain veneer procedure, they need to be treated with care.

Tooth sensitivity after a porcelain veneer procedure is fairly common. Therefore, use these tips to deal with the sensitivity and reduce the pain.
