The Relationship Between Gum Disease And Dementia

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At some point in your life, you were probably surprised by bleeding gums after brushing and flossing. However, if left alone, this symptom can grow into a bigger issue: gum disease. Some of the horrible consequences include chronic bleeding and tooth loss. In some studies, gum disease has been linked to Alzheimer's disease and dementia! If you have a family history of those illnesses, you'll want to read on.

The Possibility of Dementia Can Increase For Every Failure to Floss

The findings of a recent study states that people who do not brush daily are 65% more likely to have dementia than those who do. The research was conducted in over 5,000 retirement community members. Other researchers validate the correlation of tooth loss and Alzheimer's disease.

Some studies also come into a conclusion that poor oral health also causes mental failure. Because problems such as tooth loss and sensitivity drastically deteriorate eating habits, the brain is not nourished and brain power is not strengthened. But even if these factors are removed, the link between gum disease and dementia remains undeniable.

How Your Brain Is Damaged By Bacteria Inside Your Mouth

Every time you bleeding gums, your whole body becomes prone to bacteria. The wounds in your gums act as openings where harmful substances may enter. These bacteria are then distributed through your bloodstream, affecting all the other systems of the body.

In another study, brain tissues of patients who had the Alzheimer's disease have been found to be infected with P. gingivalis, a bacteria that is commonly seen inside the mouth. Once the bacteria enters the brain, it could cause inflammation that would then lead to dementia. Also, it could initiate a response from the immune system to attack brain cells.

If You Love Your Body, Love Your Gums 

Having healthy gums is important in maintaining a healthy body. Be sure to brush and floss every day. If you have a hard time flossing, you may want to pick up some plastic flossers. These don't shred and they are easier to manipulate by your molars. If you dread flossing, try using the plastic flossers during a movie, since you won't need a mirror to use them.

Time lost in regular brushing could cause serious consequences to your oral health. If you think you are at risk, you'll want to talk about gum disease treatments and how to mitigate any further damages.
