Understanding Some Of The Possible Complications Of Root Canal Treatment

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Root canals have become common procedures that can be completed relatively quickly in your dentist's office. And while the treatment is common, it has a bad reputation for being a miserable procedure. Root canals are not as bad as people make them out to be, but in your attempt to focus on discomfort issues, you may be ignoring some of the risks associated with root canals. Keep reading to learn what these are so you are well informed before your treatment.

Recurrent Pain

Dentists must clean out teeth extremely carefully when they complete a treatment like a root canal. The diameter of the tooth root is quite small and the tooth material surrounding the very tip is quite thin. This can make it hard to really get into the tip of the tooth to clear away infectious fluids and debris. And, if your dentist is a bit too aggressive, the thin root tip can snap right off.

So, if there is a little bit of fluid left in the tip, it can place pressure on the tissues just outside the root. While the root will no longer hold a nerve, the surrounding tissues definitely will and you will feel discomfort from the region. Also, a low-grade infection can remain in the tip and surrounding tissues for some time, and this can cause pain as well.

Recurrent pain that corresponds with the ineffective cleaning of the tooth root can be difficult to diagnose. This is an even larger issue when the pain is referred. Referred pain means that sensations are felt in an area other than where the issue occurs. For example, you may feel jaw pain when in fact the tooth is the real issue. This can be quite frustrating and may lead to lengthy treatment with the need for strong pain relievers.

Tooth Damage

In an effort to clean all of the bacteria from a tooth, your dentist may use a dental file that is a bit too long and too wide. When this file is forced into the tooth root, it can crack. Cracks are sometimes minuscule, and if your dentist knows that one is present, then the tip of the tooth can be cut away. While this does require a minor surgical procedure, the majority of the tooth is saved in the process. However, if the crack goes unnoticed, then it can spread significantly until the damage is noted above the gum line.

When a crack is identified, then the tooth will often need to be extracted, especially if the crack is a vertical one. 

If you want to know more about root canal treatment and the possibility of issues developing, speak with your dentist office services about your concerns. 
